Saturday, April 16, 2011

Instant Method For Knee Pain Relief

Newport Beach Knee Pain Relief

Knee pain can be one of the most painful and humbling experiences that any runner can have. I remember the first time I experienced excruciating knee pain was right when I started learning and had just bought a new pair of custom fitted (and expensive) orthopedically correcting shoes. After that day (the first time I ran in them), I put the shoes on the shelf for about 3 years before I tried running again.

The knee pain had me completely convinced that I was not a runner and should, under no circumstances, attempt running again…but, see, I had convinced myself. 3 years later, I took up triathlon and had an incentive to learn how to run pain free. I am here to tell you the secret that I, along with many, many runners have discovered, that allows us to run pain free- even from chronic knee pain.

So, the number one problem that I found with my own running, and with the running of my running clients, is…running form. Believe it or not, there is a proper way to run efficiently, and painlessly and it has everything to do with your posture, how you are landing on your foot, whether you reach with your feet, etc. 

Consider that the shoes on your feet may, in fact, be part of the problem and a barrier to your quest to run pain free. Feet that are covered up and protected in a cushion deprive a runner of the immediate feedback (read pain) that would cause them to change to a soft mid/forefoot landing, a shorter stride, and less push off.

Now, what I have found to be successful for myself and my clients is to take the shoes off. I am not suggesting that you do all of your running without shoes, merely a small portion of it to train your body quickly. I am talking about short distances with bare feet, like half of a block to start. Try this:

Take your shoes and socks off and keep them in your hands. Run at normal speed down the block barefoot and notice how much more lightly you are stepping. Pay attention to your cadence (should be about 180 spm). When you get half way down the block, put your shoes and socks back on and run the remainder of the way around the block keeping aware to maintain your barefoot running form.

You should now be landing on the outer mid/forefoot and rolling across to the big toe which is the last to leave the ground. Heal rises directly toward the buttock and gravity takes over to swing your knee forward. You should be landing with your foot directly below your hip.

Try this drill out and let me know how it works for you. Call directly for a customized treatment plan. (949) 375-7278


How To Stop The Cravings And Lose Weight

How To Stop Cravings And Lose Weight


One of the most common questions I get from people with a desk job is: “ I’m constantly hungry throughout the day and it causes me to want to snack pretty much all day. I know the snacking is causing me to put on weight but I just can’t seem to stop. Is there anything I can do to stop the cravings? 

In a word, “Yes.” There are actually two simple things that you can change to stop the cravings; diet and exercise.

Lets start with the diet. A very simple and straightforward way to address this problem with diet is as follows: 1) Stop or minimize your intake of simple carbohydrates and grain based processed foods such as sugar, anything with flour or grain, sweetened drinks, artificial sweeteners, sauces, salad dressings etc. 2) Eat whole food based meals. Here’s a tip, your meals should consist of some sort of protein and fat (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, raw nuts) and slow absorbing carbohydrates (vegetables- not potatoes as these are a simple carbohydrate).

Why Eat Organic?


Monday, February 16, 2009

Yoga-For Strength!

One of the first things that I often hear out of other peoples mouths when I mention that I teach yoga is "flexibility is great but I'm not very flexible and what I really want is to get stronger". But what do we really mean when we say that we want to "get stronger"? The media has bombarded us for the last 30 years or so with images of bodybuilders (yes..Ah-nold we are talking about you) as the apogee of health, fitness, and strength. Thus, we have come to believe that isolation of a muscle group to make it more asthetically pleasing is actually a demonstration of strength.

What most people really want is greater functionality (to be able to do more with their bodies while suffering less for it ) rather than greater muscular size. In this, a balanced and regular yoga practice has a firm place as being one of the best overall fitness regimens ever developed.

One develops strength in yoga by putting the body in a particular alignment and holding the alignment while making micro adjustments over a period of time. For upper body strength, one can study hand stand (arm balance), head stand, and forearm balance (all inversions as well). For lower body strength one can focus on the standing poses such as Triangle pose or Warrior I which emphasize leg and core strength.

For cardiovascular work one can practice the sun salute sequence that I often use as a warm up in class. Now try doing this sequence the way it was intended...108 times in a row...I guarantee a great cardio workout.

Balance comes from the practice of poses which require one to stand on one leg (Tree, Half Moon, Warrior III). These not only require core strength and flexibility, but build stamina as well as balance. Regular practice of these poses builds a stability that comes from a functional balance between the core and extrinsic musculature.

A regular practice of the different types of yoga postures (Standing, Forward Bending, Back Bending, and Restorative) builds poise in ones body, mind, and soul by burning away the impurities of the body, ego, and self understanding.